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How do you develop a comms plans ahead of a highly unpredictable 2024?

Jamie Brownlee | 04.12.2023

Navigating the fluid landscape of communication in an ever-changing world demands not just skill, but adaptability and foresight. As we step into 2024, we’re faced with a tapestry of potential electoral and political shifts across the UK, US, and EU. These are further complicated by the ongoing impacts of the Israel/Gaza conflict and the Russia/Ukraine situation. Crafting effective communication strategies in these dynamic times is absolutely critical. But the question arises: How do we effectively chart a course through the challenges of a constantly shifting landscape? Let’s delve into some key strategies to develop communication plans that are not just robust, but also versatile enough to adapt to these evolving scenarios 

1) Stay informed 

Stay informed about the situation and its potential developments. In an unpredictable world, it’s crucial to stay abreast of ongoing developments. This means regularly updating your understanding of dynamic situations. The news agenda will be faster than ever in times of volatility, and it’s our job as communicators to stay one step ahead. 

2) Define your objectives 

Clearly define your communication objectives. What do you want to achieve with your messages? Whether it’s providing information, managing expectations, or influencing perceptions, having clear objectives helps guide your communication strategy. 

3) Identify your stakeholders 

Understand the unique needs, concerns, and expectations of your key stakeholders. Tailoring your messages to diverse groups enhances engagement and effectiveness. 

4) Develop your message 

Craft key messages that are clear, consistent, and adaptable. Anticipate potential changes in the situation and develop messages that can be easily modified to address new developments. 

5) Choose your communication channels 

Select appropriate communication channels based on your target audience. Be prepared to use a mix of channels, including traditional, digital and social media, depending on the nature of the situation. 

6) Reaffirm your approval protocol 

Define a clear approval process for communication materials. Ensure that there’s a mechanism in place to quickly review and approve messages, especially if there are rapid changes in the situation. 

7) Monitor and evaluate 

Implement a monitoring system to track the effectiveness of your communication plan. Regularly assess whether your messages are reaching the intended audience with effective reports and analysis and adjust your strategy accordingly. 

8) Plan for every eventuality 

Conduct training sessions and drills with your communication team to ensure everyone is familiar with the plan and can respond effectively in a dynamic environment. Develop different communication scenarios based on potential changes in the situation. Consider best-case and worst-case scenarios to be prepared for a range of outcomes. 

9) Be flexible and agile 

Embrace flexibility and be prepared to adapt your communication plan as the situation evolves. This may involve changing messages, adjusting the tone, or modifying the channels used to reach your audience. 

10) Critique post event 

After the situation has stabilised, conduct a thorough analysis of your communication efforts. Identify what worked well and what could be improved for future reference. 

Always remember that communication plans are dynamic documents that should be continuously reviewed and refined based on the changing nature of the situation. Regular updates and a proactive approach to addressing new developments will help ensure the effectiveness of your communication efforts. 

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